Where Does the Text Originate?

Lorem Ipsum is taken from a book called The Extremes of Good and Evil, written by Cicero in 45 BC. The book is an exploration of ethics and moral theories, and it found a huge fanbase during the Renaissance. Cicero was a philosopher and politician who served during the Roman Empire, and he had a lasting influence on European thought. This is why printmakers began using Lorem Ipsum text in the 1500s.  

In the early 1980s, Latin professor Richard McClintock connected the dots between Lorem Ipsum and Cicero’s writing when he traced the arcane word “consectetur” back through classical literature, until he found the original passage. Here is the first section of Cicero’s original text, translated into English by H. Rackham:

Lorem Ipsum is taken from a book called The Extremes of Good and Evil, written by Cicero in 45 BC. The book is an exploration of ethics and moral theories, and it found a huge fanbase during the Renaissance. Cicero was a philosopher and politician who served during the Roman Empire, and he had a lasting influence on European thought. This is why printmakers began using Lorem Ipsum text in the 1500s.  

In the early 1980s, Latin professor Richard McClintock connected the dots between Lorem Ipsum and Cicero’s writing when he traced the arcane word “consectetur” back through classical literature, until he found the original passage. Here is the first section of Cicero’s original text, translated into English by H. Rackham:

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